Thursday, September 9, 2010


Charlie's first day as a big Kindergartner was a success! I'm pretty sure he didn't stop talking from the time I picked him up from school (2:45) to the time he finally crashed into sleep in his bed. It was a 7 hour long run-on sentence, no joke!

Our camera broke (yes, our BRAND NEW camera), so here's a shot I snapped with my phone as we were leaving for school:

There are only 10 kids in Charlie's whole class, which I think is awesome - especially since he's pretty shy and not big on large groups of people. He did great, and was happy all day after, hence the non-stop chatting. :)

Bring on Kindergarten, Day 2!

1 comment:

Christi said...

Man, he looks so adorably old in that shot. I love that he talked and talked...see, not all of those gender stereotypes prove true.