He was SUCH A CHUNK. Oh my.
Here's one of Charlie trying to eat his feet - I think he was about 3 or 4 months old. If you listen close, you can hear he's doing a whole lot of snorting in there, too.
And some pictures: Charlie (left) and Blake (right) - consider that Blake is technically a week OLDER than Charlie!
I like this one mainly because Blake looks slightly psychotic and Charlie looks like Chris Farley...
There are no words...(but look at those THUNDER THIGHS!)
I just like this one, it reminds me of how fast they grow.
A more recent picture of the silly boys
Ellie "holding" Charlie - Ellie was about 2 1/2 and Charlie was about 4 months.
Thought I'd throw this one in just for fun. :)
love. love. love. love these picture!
I can just tell that you are such an awesome Mom. You make everything fun for that little guy...I mean big guy.
I remember when you sent us pictures of him as a newborn and I couldn't believe how big he was. It's so fun to look back and see how they have changed. He's such a cutie.
I love Dollar Tree too!
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