Saturday, January 30, 2010

Top Secret: Renewable Energy Source

Those who know us well know that over the past few years, Shawn and I have been working very hard to become more environmentally friendly, less wasteful, more responsible, and really just more "natural" people. (Okay, small disclaimer - Shawn may be slightly more of a leader in this area. I'm sorry folks, but getting used to the idea of converting to a "composting toilet" is just gonna take a little more time for me. Go ahead, call me "prissy", but you try out the idea of poo-ing in a bucket and then throwing a bunch of sawdust on top, and tell me what you think.)

After many months of extensive research and hours-long environmental think-tank sessions held right here in our humble living room, we've done it! We have discovered a sustainable, "green", renewable, natural energy source. To be more specific, it's a wind turbine.

Now, listen. This is where this gets tricky. We want to share this idea with you, our closest and most trusted friends, but we also don't want this information to get into the wrong hands - people who may have the ability to sell our idea to the general market before we do. WE want to be the ones to make the first million on this idea. AND promptly spend that million on a bunch of plastic crap and junky electronics made in China.

Now, scroll down slowly and with discretion, and remember, this is big-time stuff. So, please try to keep it to yourselves.


Now, obviously there are a few small kinks we will need to work out. Like the necessity for food and water breaks, etc. At first we were thinking that "sleeping" breaks would also be necessary, but upon further investigation, we discovered that Charlie actually generates quite a bit of air while asleep. So really we just need to figure out a way to affix the turbine to his mouth securely enough that it won't get jostled while he's sleeping.

And then there's that sticky issue of "child labor laws" and what-not. Our current government, however, seems to be environmentally-minded enough that I think they might be willing to overlook that minor issue. Don't you?


Anonymous said...

Hilarious, Marlene! Brian and I might be interested in buying into this.

Stephanie L. said...

We'll totally keep it under wraps! Looks like Shawn might be able to quit his job any day now... think of all the chickens and rabbits you'll be able to buy with your revenue!

The Miller Family said...

OH MAKE THOSE VIDEOS WORK...I NEED TO SEE THEM! Mars you are just too stinkin funny sometimes!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad those videos work now. They were awesome! You guys have sheer genius! What an excellent little worker he would be. I think you are onto something there...

Rachel @ Lautaret Bohemiet said...


And man, can he snore!

lori said...

Oh maaaaan! I can guess what's happening by what you've written, but ooh ooh ooh, I can't get the videos to play!