Okay, I'm finally finishing up our little "history" intro! Basically, it's just a bunch of pictures of Charlie from 10 months until now (he's 20 months old right now)...since he's pretty much what we spend our time and energy on these days. Oh, you already knew that? How could you tell? :)
10 months old:
11 months old:
1 year old:
What's going on in our lives other than our little "main attraction"...?
Quick summary:
In June, Shawn finished up his teaching career at Four Corners School in the Reynolds School District. He will start his new job as a Behavior Specialist for the Clackamas ESD at the end of August. Shawn will basically be traveling around to schools in the Clackamas area, leading trainings, helping teachers figure out how to deal with students who have behavior issues, and helping to build & direct the Positive Behavior Support program in the Clackamas schools. PBS was Shawn's focus area when he worked on his Master's at PSU. Anyways, YAY for Shawn! We are very excited about this next chapter of our lives and of his career. I (Marlene) am still working part-time at Wilkes Elementary School, also in the Reynolds School District. I love the kids and the people I work with, but I do miss Charlie while I'm there. I feel so lucky that he is in the capable and loving hands of my mom and Christine while I'm at work. After either this December or next June, I plan on staying home full-time with him. I'm looking forward to that - even though I know in some regards it will be twice the work! :) Charlie will be 21 months old in a couple of weeks. He is truly sweet-spirited, loves to share, and loves people, animals (especially "kee-kees" - kitties), kids, babies. Although he's very "busy" all the time, constantly wiggling and moving, he loves to get his cuddles in, too. That said, we are finally starting to see the toddler side come out. Right now, he is going through the "independence" stage - he wants to do everything himself. And I mean EVERYTHING! He wants to put his own shoes on (hasn't mastered that one yet), climb into the car himself (almost has that one down), buckle his own seat belt (nope, can't do that yet), eat his own food with a spoon or fork (very messy, but it can be done), wipe his own bottom during diaper changes (never ends well - literally) and pour his own water into his cup (usually ends in a big mop-up). So, I can imagine his life feels pretty frustrating most of the time right now - wanting to do everything on his own, but then not having the skills to do it and needing help all the time. But, I guess that's part of growing up, huh? He also wants to dictate his own schedule now...and gets quite angry when mommy & daddy try to make him go somewhere he doesn't feel like going or do something he doesn't feel like doing. However, he truly has a sweet spirit deep down and never really puts up TOO big of a fight. And he's always ready with an "I-yoo" ("I love you") at the end of the day. Oh, yeah, and he also loves to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" - it goes a little something like, "Inkle, inkle, ar ar, owi wanna wanna ar" and the rest is pretty much jibberish, but he's got the tune down pretty good.
As for his size, he is still an absolute beast! He was 36 pounds a few months ago at a doctor appointment - but we're thinking he may be somewhere around 37 now, judging from the aching soreness in our backs. I'm now buying size 4T clothing for him. He wears a size 9, sometimes 10, shoe - his 3 1/2 year old cousin wears a size 8, if that tells you anything!
Well, I guess that brings you up to date. From now on, I promise no more 10 paragraph/30 picture blog entries - just the day-to-day stuff.
- Marlene -