Monday, July 26, 2010


So. Things have been CRAZY busy lately. I wouldn't even know where to start with the update: 4th of July fun, birthday(s) craziness, my nephew Jack performing in The Sound of Music Play in St. Helens, zoo trips, endless summer barbeques, running/walking/limping through my first 10k trail run, VBS (times 2!), crazy camping fiascos, phew! It's been a blast, but man am I TIRED!
So, I'll just share some cute pics of two of my favorite boys.
How could you not love these little guys? Makes my heart melt.

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1 comment:

lori said...

Hi, Mars - -

I thought I'd come over here and leave my email address for you. I guess I don't have yours. stillwalking2002 at

We will be out and about tomorrow, so maybe we could pick up a bowl of soup and take it directly to Rach. :) If it's not all gone, that is.

- Lori